Wednesday, February 25, 2009


PENGUINS ARE IN DANGER because Global Warming. Global Warming is making life for the penguins horrible, penguins need snow and a cold area. People are the cause for the most of the problems in the earth. Also, if all the snow melts in Antarctica, the ocean will increase in water, then it will stop penguin reproduction. Next, the briny plant pumps out the ocean, and if that doesn't happen, the penguin's food sources will be gone. And, if the penguins don't have food, they will die or move on. Finally, this is why we should take care of the earth, not destroy it.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009


There are a lot of politics in the world today. For example, an incident came up, soldiers went to Iraq for a one year period, and their only rule the soldiers have to do is remember what side their on. Also, a helicopter pilot said that "it's my job to serve." Then, he began to compare other pilots and himself, to the firefighters and police in a town. And the pilot stated that "well we go down their, do the job, and come home safely." So if you really think about it, there's many different politics in the world, and everyone should do something about those politics. Finally, this article was very fun to read.

Monday, February 2, 2009


Well it just snowed in New Jersey yesterday, and i bet you every kid was outside too. Also, snow is made when snow is formed in the air and the cloud. Then, the ice crystals stick together to form snow. Snow can only be formed in when the temperature is below freezing. If the air gets warmer as the snow flake reaches the ground, it will turn to rain. If it doesn't get warmer, the snow flake will make it safely to the ground. Now, next time if your outside on a snow day, you will know how it got there.